《大秦景教大聖通真歸法讚》 ——一首反映唐代景教敬拜禮儀的詩歌/彭滿圓





The liturgy of the Church of the East has long historical tradition. When the missionaries preached the gospel in China during the Tang Dynasty, they called their religion as Jingjiao . They also introduced the East Syriac liturgy to China. This paper consists of three main parts. The first part is studying the liturgy and the hymns of Jingjiao during the Tang Dynasty. The second part is focused to analysis Daqin Jingjiao Dasheng tongzhen guifa zan 《大秦景教大聖通真歸法讚》which is related to the liturgy of Jingjiao . The third part is an attempt to compose the melody according to the texts of Daqin Jingjiao Dasheng tongzhen guifa zan 《大秦景教大聖通真歸法讚》as a hymn which can be sung. 

原載於《建道學刊》51期(2019年1月),頁 77-100。