民國初年,康有為等人致力復興儒家思想,成立孔教會,更倡議立孔教為國教,此舉隨即引發廣泛討論,當中以基督教界和國民黨員之反對最為激烈。位處南方的張亦鏡,與孔教會就國教問題展開一場為時三十多天的辯論。本文就是次爭議,以「國家與宗教的關係」和「國教與宗教信仰自由」兩方面作系統分析, 指出是次爭議對中國教會的意義,以及張亦鏡之位置。
During the early Republican Period, some Confucians founded Confucian Society to champion Confucianism as the national doctrine of China. They proposed to make Confucianism the state religion of China. Opposition to the establishment of a Confucian state religion came from many quarters, particularly from Christians and from Kuomintang members of the Parliament. In Hong Kong, there was a debate between Christian newspaper: Da guang Bao (大光報)and Confucian newspaper: Guo shi Bao (國是報).
This paper provides a systematic analysis on the issues of the debate, highlights on relationship of state-religions and the freedom of the religion, and attaches the importance to Chang Wen-kai – the chief editor of Da Guang Bao.
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