香港社會面對多方面的挑戰,如貧富懸殊、2017年普選特首方式、中港矛盾⋯⋯等課題。究竟教會有甚麼信息回應時代呢?筆者嘗試從奧古斯丁(Augustine,354-430年)的神學作出回應。筆者嘗試將奧古斯丁的神學重新建 構,討論教會與「幸福城市」的關係。本篇文章除了引言與總結外,內容部分 共分七部分:第一部分是奧古斯丁的「城邦論」,第二部分是教會在城邦中引 導人接受信仰,第三部分是教會幫助人經歷心靈更新,第四部分是人需要被拯 救,第五部分是教會促使人的靈性生命成長與德行建立,第六部分是教會鼓勵 人建立德行獲得幸福,第七部分是教會成為社會的良心,第八部分是香港處境 的神學反省。
Hong Kong faces many challenges, like the difference between rich and poor, 2017 universal suffrage of the chief executive at 2017, the conflict between China and Hong Kong… What kind of message could the Church response to this age? This author tries to base on Augustine (354-430) to give theological response. This author tries to reconstruct the theology of Augustine, discussing the relation between the Church and “Happy City.” Besides introduction and conclusion, this paper is consisted of 8 sections. Firstly, the understanding of Polis by Augustine, secondly, the Church instructs peoples to receive faith in Polis, thirdly, the Church helps peoples experiencing the renewal of the soul, fourthly, peoples need Salvation, fifthly, the Church enhances people’s spiritual growth and virtue development, sixthly, the Church encourages peoples build up virtue obtaining Happiness, seventhly, the Church is the conscience of the society, eighthly, the theological reflection in Hong Kong context.
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