祭司的召命—仿照神與創造秩序 / 高銘謙
祭司傳統與創造秩序有密切的關係,祭司所涉及的禮祭、潔淨條例及道德要求期望主導以色列民回歸神所設立的創造秩序當中,這種祭司的召命總結在利未記十章10 至11 節與十九章2 節。本文探討這兩段經文所延伸的祭司神學及任務,分別說明保持創造秩序與仿照神(imitatio Dei )是祭司召命的核心。
Scholars have agreed that there is an inseparable bond between the priestly tradition and the concept of created order. Israelite priests had put their efforts to maintain rituals, purity rules and moral laws, so as to direct Israelites into a lifestyle compatible to the worldview of the created order. The mission statements of priests can be summarized in Leviticus 10:10-11 and 19:2. This article aims to investigate these two passages, together with related priestly theology and mission, in order to explicate how priests aim to maintain the worldview of the created order and the core aim of “the imitation of God” (imitation Dei ).
原載於《建道學刊》56期(2021年7月),頁 3-14。
副院長 (研究)
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