The evangelical churches in Hong Kong often emphasize preaching more than Eucharist in Sunday worship. Naturally, sacramental theology is seriously neglected, and thus the sacrament such as the Eucharist has not significant effect on the liturgical and spiritual life of the church. Even if we recognize the value of the Eucharist, it still lacks a dimension of aesthetics. Therefore, this paper is intended to point out two aspects of theological discussion on the Eucharist. The first one is the role of the Eucharist in spiritual formation. The second one is how to strengthen the aesthetic dimension of faith by means of the Eucharist. The author would also points out that “visualization” is a key concept, since it plays a significant role in both Christian Spirituality and theological aesthetics.
原載於《建道學刊》51期(2019年1月),頁 3-20。
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