Mou Zong-san, the well-known contemporary Confucian, judges Christianity as faith awakened by the Other. This conclusion is out of his philosophy – the two levels of ontology, that of non-attachment and of attachment. These two correspond to two different kinds of human subjectivity, namely, subjectivity of non-attachment and of attachment. For Mou, the former is real while the latter is false. On the one hand, the concept of God in Christianity is the product of the subjectivity of attachment. On the other hand, it is also this God one attaches to as the Other who awakens one’s self-understanding. Mou considers that this God as the external object is the outcome of the extemalization of one’s subjectivity of non-attachment by one’s subjectivity of attachment. In this way, Mou criticizes Christianity for her dissolution of human subjectivity of non-attachment. However, according to contemporary phenomenology, self-awakenness is only possible in relation to the Other. One’s self-awakenness is accompanied by the awakenness of the Other. Therefore, the alien Other has priority in understanding the self. Conversely, Mou takes that the self has priority over the Other. Mou’s philosophical interpretation of Christianity can be understood as a kind of killing the alien God whose alterity threatens the human self; and this interpretation comes out of the egology of totality and sameness. Mou’s unease of the alterity makes him dissolve the alien God into human subjectivity so as to secure the self from any threatening. However, this security is only an illusion and therefore Mou’s philosophy should be deconstructed without hesitation.
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