συγκατάβασιζ and άκρίβεια──THE WARP AND WOOF OF CHRYSOSTOM's HERMENEUTICS : A Study Based on Chrysostom's Genesis Homilies(屈梭多模的釋經的經緯:以屈梭多模的創世記講道集為本的研究)/謝慧兒


屈梭多模現存的講道集約有六百至七百篇;其中有一百五十篇關乎舊約書卷或舊約人物,當中的六十七篇是論及創世記的。因此,研究屈梭多模的創世記講道集,應該可以相當準確地反映出他對舊約(如果不包括新約的話)的釋經原則。這篇文章研究屈梭多模的創世記講道集,並嘗試證明συνκατάβασις (翻譯為 「屈尊」)和ἀκρίβεια (翻譯為「詳細、詳細的意義」)這兩個希臘詞語背後的理念,與屈梭多模的釋經原則關係密切。這兩個字實際上是屈梭多模的釋經原則的經緯。



The extant homilies of John Chrysostom number between six and seven hundred. Around 150 are devoted to Old Testament books or Old Testament characters, sixty- seven of which are on Genesis.

A study done on Chrysostom’s Genesis homilies, then, should reflect quite accurately Chrysostom’s hermeneutics of the Old Testament, if not the New. This paper is a cursory reading on Chrysostom’s Genesis homilies, and attempts to show that the concepts behind the two Greek words, συνκατάβασις (translated as “condescension”) and ἀκρίβεια (translated as “minuteness, detailed significance”) tie in so closely with Chrysostom’s hermeneutics that they actually form the warp and woof of his hermeneutical principles.
