上帝﹑敘事與歷史──初探詹信(Robert W. Jenson)三一實在論/郭偉聯


本文旨在分析詹信為回應現代神學論述陷入喪失意義的危機,而利用敘事神學建構三一實在論(trinitarian realism)所引起的問題。筆者希望指出, 詹信將上帝的敘事理解為上帝的歷史,將上帝在聖經敘事的身分也理解為等同(identified with)上帝的位格(persons)。詹信認為這等同才能展示上帝應許故事(story of promise)的確實,用以回應神學失卻意義的問題。筆者指出,在這過程中, 詹信為了一方面拱衛他的實在論思想,另一方面避免「身分/同一性」概念引致三神論,因而運用上帝的意識(consciousness)這概念來維繫三一的合一性,但這做法最後使三一論成為了形態論(modalism)。



Robert W. Jenson claims that his doctrine of the Trinity is a revisionary metaphysics. He asserts that the Trinity is identified by and with the biblical narrative. It is his answer to the problem of the death of God. I argue that the biblical narrative is crucial to Jenson’s doctrine of the Trinity because it denotes God’s temporal reality. Biblical narrative is a story of God’s promise. It really depicts the triune reality. I argue that Jenson attempts to establish the meaningfulness of theology through this integration of language, reality, and time. But God’s story is eventually made identical to the totality of historical reality. Because Jenson prioritizes metaphysics over linguistic communication, he needs to develop a theology of God’s consciousness to defend the triunity of God. Eventually, his doctrine of the Trinity is paradoxically put at risk of becoming modalism.
