宋尚節的重生教導 / 梁家麟





Dr. John Sung is an important revival preacher of the twentieth century. He has exerted great influence on the Revival Movement of Chinese churches in the thirties. His sermon content concentrated on repentance and experiencing rebirth. This particular concept of rebirth is still deeply ingrained in the hearts of Chinese believers today. This paper attempts to lay out Sung’s concept of rebirth which is inherited from the Wesleyan tradition, that is, rebirth as a one-time particular experience. Sung also added to it his own belief in the necessity of exhaustive confession of sin before the rebirth experience. He believed one must confess in detail every sin committed before one could be filled with the Holy Spirit. Exhaustive confession of sin becomes the gateway to rebirth. Moreover, Sung considered such confession of sin to be the only way for believers’ edification and church revival.



