

「科學是理性的典範,宗教基本上是非理性的。」這種看法好像不可置疑的常識,然而卻是建基於某些現代的科學哲學:實證主義(positivism)和素樸歸納主義(naive inductivism) ,這些科學哲學投射的科學形象是客觀、邏輯、準確和不斷進步的,對比起來,宗教自然顯得主觀。然而當代科學哲學的發展普遍質疑以上的科學觀,本文會透過兩位重要的當代科學哲學家(波普和孔恩)的思想,帶出實證論等的不足,從而論證傳統的科學與宗教的對比的錯謬。筆者亦會探討波普和孔恩如何啟迪我們再思宗教的合理性。



“Science is the paradigm of rationality. Religion is basically subjective.” This view seems to be incontrovertible common sense, but in fact it is based upon modern philosophies of science like positivism and naive inductivism. These philosophies project an image of science which is objective, logical, precise and progressive. In comparison, religion inevitably appears subjective. However, contemporary development of the philosophy of science has fundamentally discredited these philosophies of science. In this essay, the author will show the inadequacy of positivism etc. through the exploration of the thoughts of two important contemporary philosophers of science: Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn. The author will also suggest how Popper and Kuhn can help us rethink the rationality of science.
