




This article is to explore four malaises of sex culture under the influence of the sexual revolution in the modern society: (1) new dichotomy of body and soul, (2) instrumentalization of the body, (3) the sense of estrangement and (4) the fragmentation of the family. Instead of criticizing the sexual revolution as an expression of soft relativism, I argue that the underlying concern of the sexual revolution is driven by the ethics of authenticity. However, contemporary culture has expressed a subjectivist and egocentric turn of the ideal of authenticity that is considered to be a deviant mode. From the Christian perspective, human beings are created by God. True humanity cannot be separated from the moral framework determined by God. Furthermore, God created humans as relational beings. Our self-fulfillment cannot be disengaged from our relationship with God and others. Our self-identity is shaped by our continuous dialogue within the web of communicative relationships with others. As human beings are created as co-humanity, authentic sexuality is reflected in complementary relationship between male and female which is further enhanced in marriage.
