

筆者認為基督教公共神學一個核心問題,就是如何發展一種教會神學與公共神學並重的神學思維呢?筆者嘗試仔細閱讀德國神學家潘霍華(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)的德語神學原著,整理出他的思想脈絡,嘗試為香港華人教會提供一個公共神學思考的建議。本篇論文分五部分:第一部分在教會中重尋人的位格性,第二部分「界限」與「代替者」觀念,第三部分人在教會裏透過基督與上帝相遇,第四部分作付代價的門徒,第五部分基督教公共神學的基礎。本篇論文的思路首先從潘霍華的人觀和羣體觀開始,進入基督論,然後是上帝論,再整理潘霍華的基督作為「界限」和「中心」、「上帝是行動的上帝」所引伸出來教會論,然後建構的出植根教會神學的公共神學。



The author thinks that the core question of the Christian Public Theology is how to develop the thinking of the balance between Church Theology and Public Theology.The author tries to read from the German original works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in order to suggest a way of Public Theological Thinking for the Chinese Churches in Hong Kong. This article is consisted of 5 parts:(1) To find the “Personhood” in the Church,(2) The Concepts of “Boundary” and “Vicarious Representation”,(3) Human encounters God through Christ in the church,(4) The cost  of Discipleship,(5)The Foundation of Christian Public Theology. The thinking route of this article is from Bonhoeffer’s understanding of the Anthropology and Community,through Christology to the Doctrine of God. The author focuses then on the ideas of “Christ as Boundary and Middle” and “God as the acting God” and the implication for Bonhoeffer’s Ecclesiology and build up a kind of Public Theology based on Church Theology.




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