

由於許多新教徒(Protestants)不會視靈修為操練默觀禱告(contemplative prayer),這篇文章的主旨是闡明靈修就是操練默觀禱告。默觀禱告是單純地以信心專注上主的臨在,這是一份愛與被愛的經驗,經驗一份不能言說的幸福。筆者會用十架約翰(John of the Cross)的一首詩—〈一隻兔子注意到我的情況〉(”A Rabbit Noticed My Condition”)來闡釋靈修就是花時間與這位好朋友在一起,注視祂,單純地信任祂,與祂親密地在一起。



Since many Protestants do not regard spiritual practice as the practice of contemplative prayer, the purpose of this article is to clarify that spiritual practice is the practice of contemplative prayer. Contemplative prayer is simply focusing on the presence of God with faith. It is an experience of loving and being loved, an experience of unspeakable happiness. I will use a poem by John of the Cross—”A Rabbit Noticed My Conditionto” illustrate that spirituality is spending time with this good friend, look upon Him, simply trust Him, be intimate with Him.

原載於《建道學刊》59期(2023年1月),頁 73-88。