A Reflection On Wolfhart Pannenberg's Change Of Focus In Christology(潘能伯格基督論重點轉移之批判性評估)/郭鴻標


本篇論文乃對潘能伯格基督論發展的批判性評估。比較1964年出版的《耶穌:神而人者》及1992出版的《系統神學卷二》,潘能伯格將基督論的重點由從下而上的盡路轉變為從下而上與從上而下兩種進路的整合。比較1961年出版的《啟示乃歷史》及1988出版的《系統神學卷一》潘能伯格將啟示觀的重點由啟示乃歷史轉變為啟示乃歷史與啟示乃歷史及上帝話語兩種進路的整合。潘能伯格基督論重點的發展可以解釋為其自1964至1991年間三一論發展的結果。潘能伯格基督論的發展表明建基歷史的基督論必須植根於上帝的超越性,這是遠超人類理性而必須以信心與上帝相遇的。潘能伯格提出的基督論較着重理性及歷史進路,有需要從神學頌讚的向度加以補充,藉以加強靈命更新的重要 性。



This paper is a critical evaluation of the development of Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Christological thought. In comparing the Grundzuge der Christologie (1964)  and Systematische Theologie Band 2 (1992). Pannenberg has shifted the focus of Christology from the Christology from below to the integration of the Christology from below and the Christology from above. In comparing Offenbarung als Geschichte (1961) and Systematische Theologie Band 1 (1988), Pannenberg has also shifted his understanding of Revelation from Revelation as History to Revelation as History and the Word of God. The change of Pannenberg’s Christological focus could be explained by the development of his Doctrine of Trinity between1964 and 1991. The development of Pannenberg’s Christology shows that the historically based Christology should be grounded on the transcendental dimension of God, which is beyond human reason and must be encountered by faith. Therefore, Pannenberg’s rational and historical approach of Christology should be supplemented by the doxological dimension of theology, thereby putting greater emphasis on the transformation of spirituality.




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