Isaiah 5:2-7 And 27:2-6: Let's Hear The Whole Song Of Rejection And Restoration(以賽亞書5:2-7節及27:2-6節──讓我們傾聽全首被棄與復興之歌) / 楊克勤


因為天安門發生了六四事件,許多華人基督徒都感到絕望,為了幫助他們克服這種情緒,這篇論文嘗試透過前文後理型格、詩體結構以及文學分析三個證釋學角度,研讀以賽亞書五章二至七節及二十七章二至六節。作者認為上述兩段經文,組成了整首審判與復興之歌。文章更指出,正如詩歌所言,只有從整全的視域和信息中尋求,我們才能在人類 歷史中看得見神計劃的連貫圖象。



Seeking to overcome the emotional despair of many Chinese Christians caused by the June Fourth tragedy at Tienanmen Square, the paper attempts to do three hermeneutical readings: that is, form-contextual, poetic-structural and literary-analytical hearings of Isaiah 5:2-7 and 27:2-6. The paper shows that these two pericopae form the whole song of judgment and restoration; it also argues that only in the vision and message of the whole, as conveyed in the song, can we find the coherent pattern of divine purpose in human history.
