《花煞》與當代知識分子對基督教的再認識 / 王列耀
The article points out that contemporary Chinese social thinking still encircles around and fluctuates along the “Enlightenment-Salvation” theme, therefore Chinese writers, whether for or against Christian thoughts, do not pay enough attention to the historical phenomenon of “Missionary Incidents” (教案). A contemporary, young, Chinese writer, Yieh Chou Yen (葉兆言),writes a long historical novel, entitled Hua Sha (《花煞》), that depicts this phenomenon. The novel has gained much attention from the scholarly and literary worlds, who have historical and artistic interests. Yieh attempts to look anew at the complex, controversial narrative and event from the individual, historical and humanistic perspectives. Hua Sha is an artistic, literary work that reveals multi-track thinking, such thinking proposes complexity rather than simplicity, calm analysis rather than impulsive passion.
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