The moral argument purports to show that the evidence from our moral experience supports the existence of God. Recently, the moral argument, in its various forms, has been revived by many philosophers of religion. In this paper, the author introduces these developments, and then tries to formulate the moral argument as an inference to the best explanation, i.e., to argue that theistic ethics is the best explanation of the objectivity of morals, especially in contrast with naturalism. (The author has extensively argued that naturalism cannot convincingly explain the objectivity of morals in a previous paper.) The author tries to show this in three ways. First, the existence of the moral law is best explained as the decree of the Holy Law-Giver. Second, the overriding nature of moral obligation can readily be explained by divine command ethics. Third,theistic ethics can provide good answers to questions about the pursuit of the good and the meaning of life. The author concludes that although the moral argument is by no means a conclusive argument, it is a significant part of a cumulative case for the existence of God.
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