艾理德副院長暫別留言 / Don Alexander

Since many people have inquired about my return to the United States, please permit me to make a few remarks. First the reason for my return is due exclusively to the educational and financial needs of my family. Furthermore, because it is uncertain how long it will take to resolve these needs, a definite date of return cannot be given at this time. In addition, in order to support my family financially, it has been necessary for me to accept a teaching position at the St. Paul Bible College. Secondly, I want to make it absolutely clear that my leaving the Seminary is in no way due to any personal conflicts, dissatisfaction with my work, or any other kind of problem. The Seminary enjoys excellent fellowship among it workers, and I personally will miss the students and faculty very much. It is merely the financial and educational needs of my family which prompted the decision to return to the United States. This decision was made upon the conviction that my family must take priority over all other commitments. I hope that you will continue to remember us in your prayers as we will continue to remember you.
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