


使徒行傳中記述了福音傳揚的三個階段:第一個階段展示了耶路撒冷人與 有關的使徒的改變;第二個階段展示了撒馬利亞人與有關的使徒的改變,以及 隨之而介紹的掃羅的徹底悔改與改變;第三個階段展示了外邦人與使徒/彼得 的改變,以及隨之而介紹全然不要悔改的希律王。敘述者一方面透過三個階段 全然得到改變/悔改的人來突顯出希律王不要悔改的錯誤與不該,他的錯誤與 不該更是要進一步的被掃羅的全然悔改所加倍的反映出來。另一方面敘述者亦 同時透過對約拿書的對比,進一步展示出希律王不要悔改的錯誤,尼尼微王的 全然悔改正好加倍顯出希律王不要悔改的惡行。



The Acts of the Apostles has recorded three phases of preaching the gospel: the first narrates the changes of the apostles and the people in Jerusalem; the second narrates the changes of the apostles and the people in Samaria, and the one who is narrated after this phase, the completely repented and changed Saul; the third narrates the changes of the gentiles and the apostle / Peter, all these changes are used to portrait the guilt of Herod, who is totally not changed in the narration; Herod’s guilt is further shown through the complete repentance of the king of Nineveh in the Book of Jonah.

原載於《建道學刊》43期(2015年1月),頁 13-32。