




The aim of this paper is to discuss how the Work Theology becomes the theoretical foundation for raising the spiritual quality and social responsibility of the Chinese. This article discusses the nature of work from the perspective of creation and points out that work itself is not a curse but contribution of men with mission based on the fear of God. This article discusses the growth of character and humanity from the perspective of salvation. This paper discusses the understanding of vocation by Martin Luther and John Calvin from the role of Holy Spirit. This article points out that the power of the Holy Spirit can renew the entire humanity and cosmos. The power of the Holy Spirit turns the alienation between man and God, man and nature, man and himself, man and work into a harmonious life. This article states that the contribution of Christian Work Theology might not be providing an ideology nor social policy; but a worldview and value system based on the faith in God. Christian Work Theology might not become the leading thought uniting the people of China, but could be the reason for Christians to serve the society with integrity, justice and selflessness.




副院長 (行政)