徘徊耶儒之間──基督教與中國文化相關研究的評介 / 梁家麟





This article reviews and assesses the scholarly research concerning Christianity and Chinese culture. Due to the immense scope and theoretical Complexity, this article will approach from a historical perspective, namely situate the conflict and dialogue of Christianity and Chinese culture within the larger context of Chinese history and Chinese church history. Furthermore, the paper will examine only pertinent issues in the Ming and Ching dynasties. The thesis of the paper is that, 30 years after 1949, East-West dialogue and history studies tend to emphasize racism, that is, highlighting the conflict between Chinese people and the Western superpowers, and inevitably acknowledging the coming of Christianity to China as imperialism. But studies from the last ten years has evolved from single to multi-perspectives, from simply political to socio-cultural considerations, from totally negative to both positive and negative assessment. The author perceives future studies by main- land Chinese scholars will be productive and fruitful.



