


「你們就是神的聖殿」是保羅在哥林多後書的末世教會觀。儘管不少學者 認為保羅的聖殿羣體觀念主要受了猶太傳統的影響,然而卻忽略了在希羅世界 中,外邦人對神殿的看法也和猶太的聖殿觀有不少相似之處。本文認為,雖然猶太傳統對聖殿的看法是對保羅宣稱教會即聖殿的一大支持,然而希羅世界對神廟的看法對於外邦基督徒來理解保羅的聖殿比喻也有很大貢獻,尤其當哥林多教會多數由外邦基督徒組成,也許他們中的一些人並沒有很好的猶太傳統背景知識,可對他們而言,要理解保羅的新聖殿觀也不是一個困難的問題。同時,通過對哥林多後書第五章到第六章的經文上下文與語義分析,本文將呈現從哥林多後書第五章開始,保羅就已將教會盼望定睛在進入天上永恆聖殿中,並且教會聖殿如何藉着分別為聖、傳揚福音而不斷完善與擴展,最終與天上聖殿統一。



This study examines Paul’s temple community metaphor relating to his missional vision, that is, how Paul addresses evangelization in view of the church as the new temple community to impact the world. Though many scholars advocate the Jewish heritage owed by Paul to use the temple community metaphor, my argument is that the corresponding view of temple from the Greco-Roman world can also contribute to the understanding the Corinthian Gentile believers to the metaphor. The purification of the temple community and its return to God was imagined by Paul as a new exodus which is led by the Holy Spirit through the whole journey. By using the exegetic tool for some texts regarding the temple community’s purification, evangelization, and glorification in 2 Corinthians 5-6, this article will give a clear interpretational scope to see Paul’s eschatological view of the new temple’s progressive expansion through the reconciling mission in the world.

原載於《建道學刊》49期(2018年1 月),頁 99-116。