Perdue, G. Leo. The Collapse Of History: Reconstructing Old Testament Theology.(珀杜。《歷史的崩潰──重建舊約神學》。);Sailhamer, John H. Introduction To Old Testament Theology: A Canonical Approach(賽哈默。《舊約神學導論──正典進路》。) / 謝品然
Based on the notions of intersubjectivity, intertextuality and interconnectivity, this essay appeals to the biblical interpretative communities to reaffirm the need for mutual responsibility and respectivity of the self in the pursue of knowledge; recognizing the contribution of cultural intertextuality in the production of knowledge on the one hand, and the necessity to establish a global community through interconnectivity that encourage a corporate effort in the advancement of knowledge for humanity within our global village on the other hand. The awareness of the possibility to indulge into a tendency of hegemonic behavior in biblical hermeneutics calls for a sincere, honest and respectful academic communicative interaction that is ethically sensitive within a culture of hermeneutical relationship and acknowledgment.
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