Postmodernism and Narrative Therapy: A Christian Response/Simon Y. Lee
Simon Y. Lee 李耀全
本文旨在重新評估我們如何在後現代的社會中實施教牧關懷與輔導。文章首先繪畫出後現代的輪廓,並從基督教的角度作出初步的批判。接著我們檢視一個備受後現代思想家傅柯所影響的輔導方法 - 即「敘述式治療法」,並且從基督教的角度作出回應。最後本文討論從敘述角度來輔導的實際應用。
The purpose of this paper is to rethink the way we do pastoral care and counseling in light of the characteristics of the postmodern age in which we live. The paper first paints for us in a broad stroke the contour of postmodernism and then provides some initial Christian critiques. Next, narrative therapy, a method of counseling heavily influenced by postmodernism Michel Foucault, is examined closely and critically. The paper goes on to provide a Christian response to postmodernism in general and to narrative therapy in particular. The applications of a narrative approach to counseling are then discussed.
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